We value our diversity as a Sangha, and our intention is to be as inclusive as possible. We are a work in progress, always listening and learning new ways to create a welcoming and safe(r) environment for our communities. Here is some of what we’ve learned:
Volunteers are a vital part of our center.
For a smooth teaching experience, here is some helpful information about working with our volunteers before and during your event.
[Working with EBMC Staff and Volunteers]
We have Sangha members of more than just two genders.

Please keep this in mind if you are referring to gender in your talk. Please avoid dividing the group by gender, or making assumptions about the gender identities of Sangha members. Using gender-neutral terms like “people” and “they” can be a skillful, simple way to be inclusive.
We have Sangha members of many racial and cultural backgrounds, class backgrounds, and ages.
Please be inclusive, acknowledging the realities of differing experience, oppression and privilege. Please remember that you can’t know where everyone has come from and what their experience is, but that it is likely to be different from yours.
We have Sangha members of different ability levels.
You will not be able to identify the needs and abilities in the room simply by looking. Please read further for important information about Accessibility Awareness for EBMC teachers.
[Notes on Accessibility Awareness]
[Accessible Movement Meditation]
We have Sangha members with a variety of mental health issues.
Please review the Mental health issues protocol for teachers doing one-on-one interviews with Sangha members.
[Mental Health Issues Protocol]
We are committed to creating a space that is accessible for people with chemical sensitivity, which means PLEASE COME FRAGRANCE FREE.
This means wash your clothes in fragrance-free detergent, wash your body with fragrance-free soap/shampoo, and don’t wear any fragranced lotion, perfume, deodorant or hair products. It’s important to us that our teachers model this practice of mindfully caring for the safety and well being of ALL of our community by being fragrance free. If this practice is unfamiliar to you, please learn about it: